Sunday, April 3, 2011

Think iris or allium

Think iris or allium - it is the keyword that you are looking for, and you've found it in this blog Home Design Deluxe now let's talk about Think iris or allium information we have collected a lot of information to make this article so that you feel satisfied with the information we provide, please let read to completion:

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Think iris or allium

 Do we develop an interest in a colour because we are exposed to it in different environments or do we like colours naturally and then see them everywhere we look?  A good question, but the answer is really irrelevant.  We are attracted to certain colours and having them around us adds  a positive note to our lives.

 I  encourage clients to pay attention to their colour voice. If someone comes to me and likes deep, earthy colours (really not in the  top ten right now), I don't try to convince them that light and airy is what is current.  It doesn't make any sense to paint your home in colours  you don't like just to be "in style".  Colour trends come and go, but if you look at really interesting  environments you will see that the most obvious characteristic they share  is their reflection of  the personality of the individuals living there.

 I love purple!  Do I love it because it is  a hot colour choice right now?  No, I've always loved it and it has existed in various ways in my home for many years. I love purple in all its guises and it just so happens that I love flowers and there are many purple varieties that are close to my heart...

 In my garden...

What hue looks best with purple?  Just look above, the answer is always in mother nature. Green in my book. If you want a neutral,  gray is best.  

 There are many ways to interpret a purple green colour scheme.

Canadian House and Home

Try it with a little dash of pink thrown in and make the green chartreuse.  

 A white sofa permits interesting wall colours.  While I love every shade of purple I could not live with it on my walls unless it was so toned it reads as gray. 

Master Bedroom modern bedroom
Rachel Reider Interiors

Think about the blue green of the sea on a quiet summer day for a different take on a purple green combo. 

cabinet contemporary living room
Smokey lilac always looks good with sage green. 


Sometimes a  neutral with a slight greenish undertone is just enough to do the trick. 


Let us discuss has been completed Think iris or allium hopefully the information we provide can provide infirasi in making your dream home, please bookmark this page on so that you can come back with less ease, thanks :)
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