Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Tip #2

Thursday Tip #2 - it is the keyword that you are looking for, and you've found it in this blog Home Design Deluxe now let's talk about Thursday Tip #2 information we have collected a lot of information to make this article so that you feel satisfied with the information we provide, please let read to completion:

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Thursday Tip #2

Caudill Lane modern hall
Webber + Studio, Architects

Use accessories to carry colour
 The vibrant yellow green in the artwork in this hallway is repeated again in the pillow in the bedroom. A darker green appears in the art work above the bed.  When walking down the hallway your eye pops from the artwork into the adjoining room  which is seen at a distance.  This causes visual movement from one room to the next.  A small thing but very effective for connecting one room with the next. Never underestimate the power of accessories to improve every room in your house. Have you carried colour from one room to another in your home? 

Check back for my next post on Colour Continuity when creating a colour scheme.

Let us discuss has been completed Thursday Tip #2 hopefully the information we provide can provide infirasi in making your dream home, please bookmark this page on so that you can come back with less ease, thanks :)
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