AOL headquarterslocated on West Coast, wanted a new look for /2011/09/modern-office-interior-design-ideas-by.html">
Office design. Interior development of this new model, more focused on
lobby office design. Brilliant colors become main attraction at the /2011/11/office-reception-lighting-interior.html">
office lobby behind company logo. Mix and match underlying theme is developed in
lobby design form, cheerful and creative supported by lighting system produces an elegant glow effects. No demands to be adjusted is raw, everything invented with imagination that complement each other. The benchmark is desire to develop a freedom unattached, illustrated by color combinations, custom graphics, and texture.
AOL's New company, trying quality show is shown through the lobby design embracing transparency vision, collaboration, creativity, and casual games can be interpreted, does not seem stiff.
Mix and Match Lobby Office Design |
Mix and Match Lobby Office Design |
Mix and Match Lobby Office Design |
Mix and Match Lobby Office Design |
Mix and Match Lobby Office Design |
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